Request for input on interpretive plan for Saint Elizabeths

As you may know,  GSA is creating an Interpretive Plan for St. Elizabeths that will guide the development of various interpretive components that are required by the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement for the redevelopment of St. Elizabeths. Some of those interpretive components include conducting oral histories, creating a book and brochures on the history of St. Elizabeths, and placing a series of permanent interpretive signs on campus.

Action Requested
In order to develop these guidelines GSA needs to better understand the full range of topics that should be considered when interpreting the history of St. Elizabeths.
  • Could you please take a moment to answer the questions at the end of this email.
  • Write as much or as little as you like.
  • Simply reply to (please do NOT hit "reply all")  
  • This questionnaire will be given to GSA, DHS, Consulting Parties, and other interested individuals. Please let me know if you know of any group or individual that should be included in this process.
  • Feel free to have as many people in your organization who have knowledge of St. Elizabeths complete the questionnaire.
1.   What do you think should be included in the story of St. Elizabeths? Please list the general themes, or specific persons, events, activities, locations, and any other aspects of the history of St. Elizabeths that you feel are important or interesting. Please describe as many as you like.

2.   Is there something you have always wanted to know about the history of St. Elizabeths?

3.   A series of permanent interpretive signs will be developed and installed on the West Campus. Are there specific locations, buildings, or features on the West Campus that you think should be included on an interpretive sign?

4.   Although the West Campus of St. Elizabeths will be a high-security facility, accommodation will be made for public access according to a specific policy and procedure that has yet to be determined. What do you think would constitute meaningful public access (e.g., frequency, timing, ability to visit specific places on campus, etc.)

5.   Do you have firsthand knowledge of working or living at St. Elizabeths? If so, would you be interested in being interviewed for a recorded oral history?

6.   If you know of others who may have an interest in filling out this questionnaire or who would be a good candidate for an oral history, please provide their name and contact information.

Thank you all in advance for your assistance. I will be following up with each of you in coming weeks to make sure your input is included.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thomas Otto


Thomas Otto, AICP
Historic Preservation Project Manager
Office of Campus Development (WP4)
301 7th Street SE, Room 4606
Washington, DC 20407

Mobile: 202-494-1812