Please Support GreatSchools DC Backpack Brigade 2011
Donations need to be "in hand" by Friday, July 29th.
Mail or drop off donations to GreatSchoolsDC at The HIVE (2027 MLK Jr. Ave SE)
Dear DC Community Member,
We hope this finds your summer off to a fantastic start!
GreatSchools DC is already looking ahead to the new school year and will be hosting our first annual “Back to School and Ready to Learn” event taking place Saturday, August 13th. Our goal is to provide 500 families with the materials they need for their children to head off to the first day of school as equipped as they can be.
Will you consider making a donation to help a family in your community and become a member of the GreatSchools DC Backpack Brigade 2011? We have determined it will take $7,500 and we need your help to make it happen!
Book bags – especially for our smallest students – will be the largest expense followed by supplies to fill each bag (pens, pencils, notebooks, rulers, etc). We will also be having a raffle and community resource tables to help make the start of the new school year as smooth as possible.
All materials must be purchased by July 29th and we would like nothing more than to be able to say the DC community came out in force to help their fellow neighbors. We are delighted to be partnering with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington FBR Branch at THEARC, who have generously donated their gymnasium for the event. We also want to thank Fight For Children for their support.
Please note: We can only accept checks or cash. Checks should be made payable to “GreatSchools DC” and mailed to 2027 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE; Suite 101; Washington, DC 20020. (You can also stop by to drop off your donation and should you come during off hours, the mail slot is located on the door to the right of our front door.)
As we are a non-profit organization, any donation you make would be tax deductible. The more money we can raise the more families we can help, and ultimately - beyond this specific event - that is our goal as GreatSchools DC.
We hope we can count on your support as every dollar will help. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Become a member of theGreatSchools DC Backpack Brigade today!
Warm regards,
Natanya Levioff
DC Program Director
GreatSchools DC at The HIVE
2027 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE | Suite 101 | Washington, DC 20020
Our mission is to give children a greater opportunity to succeed in life by inspiring and guiding parents to be effective champions of education at home and in their communities. Join us!