A Message From r.e.e.l. President Charles Wilson

Charles Wilson, President
Hello r.e.e.l. 

Hope you are enjoying the 'dog days of summer.' Are you living pay check to pay check? Are you struggling to save money at the end of the month? Have you ever asked yourself, how do I raise my credit score? If so, the River East Emerging Leaders would like to invite you to attend our upcoming Budget and Credit Seminar. 

Please join us this Thursday at The HIVE to get some tips on how to improve your financial stability.

Also, We would like to invite East of the River Youth to join us for our first East of the River Career Camp.

The camp will provide Ward 7 & 8 youth an opportunity to explore professional careers in science, math, reading, creativity and critical thinking.

The goal of the camp is to:
- develop and strengthen skills in science and math
- provide an interactive education curriculum
- introduce youth to professional careers
- encourage youth to pursue college.

Please CLICK HERE to sign up a young person today!

Enjoy the Week,
Charles Wilson