July 28: Bike Ride for Better Connections on South Capitol St.

Join Council Member Wells on Thursday, July 28th, for a bicycle ride and discussion regarding the current bicycle and pedestrian conditions of the Frederick Douglass Memorial South Capitol Street Bridge, as well future plans, possibilities, and their implications. We will meet on Thursday, July 28th at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Capitol South Metro stop. As a group, we will proceed south along South Capitol, stopping along the way for discussions of the various implications of the current state of the bridge. As a group, we will cross the bridge, and view the issues regarding the bridge East of the river.

Please RSVP for the ride if attending, and note that with traffic conditions, this may be a challenging bike ride. Please make sure you bring and wear a helmet! We hope to see you Thursday for an informative and productive ride across the Frederick Douglass Memorial South Capitol Street Bridge.

We'll end the ride at Bullfeather's for a bite to eat and drink -- and to talk about our experience crossing the bridge, and what is needed to make a successful connection on both sides of the Anacostia River. Bullfeather's is located at 410 1st Street, SE.

Location: Starting point is Capitol South Metro Station, 1st and D Streets, SE
When: 6:30 PM
Ends: 8:30 PM

Go HERE to RSVP for the bike ride with Council Member Wells.