Pictures from last night's "The Gentrification of Chocolate City - Realty vs Perception" Discussion

Hosted by the Thursday Network of the Greater Washington Urban League. To find out about future Thursday Network events and how to become a member visit their website

Supply & Demand: Even after the event was scheduled to start the line
was still out the door at the NPR building on Mass Ave.
The room was quickly filled to standing room only, mostly with young
black professionals

In a show of chivalry the gentlemen gave up their seats to the ladies and everyone
moved closer to allow more people to fill the room

Despite the often polarized topic all the attendees were respectful, thoughtful, and polite
and engaged in a meaningful dialogue. 
Panelist included Veronica Davis, a Partner at Nspiregreen, LLC  (and Life in the Village blogger)
and Jalal "Jay" Greene, Vice President for The Community Builders, Inc. - the nation's largest nonprofit urban housing development firm