May 18: Celebrating U Street event
The Humanities Council of Washington, DC
Invites you to our inaugural celebration
of Washington, DC's Great Streets
Honoring the contributions of U Street businesses
to its rich urban history and world-class reputation
Ben's Chili Bowl
Lee's Flower and Card Shop
Sorg Architects

Reception and discussion with Nizam Ben Ali, Richard Lee, and Suman Sorg
Moderated by Blair Ruble, author of U Street, A Biography
Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 6:30-8:30pm
at the home of Humanities Council Board Member, Gregory L. Jefferson, Sr.
16th Street NW, Washington, DC
(you will receive directions with your purchase confirmation)
$50 Donation
Register online
or R.S.V.P. to Eva Lucero 202.387.8391 or