Achievement Preparatory Academy Enrolling 4th and 5th Grade

Expanded Middle School Achievement Prep expands the traditional definition of middle school to include an entry point of fourth grade. Our program is purposefully and strategically designed to combat the fourth-grade slump by beginning our enrollment at this critical educational stage, providing students with a rigorous academic program focused on literacy intervention, remediation and acceleration.

Extended School Day Our school day is 2 hours longer than the traditional D.C. public school, while our school year is 15 days longer. This extended instructional time provides an opportunity for intensive focus around literacy and mathematics and additional opportunities for providing students with academic support.

Character Education In addition to creating high achieving scholars, our job is to also develop and foster a strong character in our students. Through our Be The DREAM character and leadership program, scholars focus on the development and practice of Achievement Prep’s DREAM values (Determination, Respect, Enthusiasm, Accountability, and Mastery). Achievement Prep scholars will not just develop as intellectuals, but also as responsible citizens and leaders who give back to their families and communities.

♦ Determination is working hard and staying focused despite challenges in my academics or personal life.
♦ Respect is treating others with politeness, consideration, and appreciation.
♦ Enthusiasm is having excitement for and interest in my learning.
♦ Accountability is taking responsibility for my actions, no matter how big or small.
♦ Mastery is striving for the highest standard in my academic and daily actions at all times.

To learn more about Achievement Preparatory Academy visit their website.