Rant or Rave: Your experience at the Anacostia and Congress Heights metro stations

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
If you hadn't heard, this past Saturday night there was a series of assaults at the Anacostia metro.  A group of teenage boys harassed and assaulted a group of young women on a green line train and once arriving at the Anacostia Station -- and for no apparent reason -- a group of teenage boys assaulted two young women in two separate incidents outside the station.  Police were called but by the time they arrived they found no victims or assailants to the assaults.

I don't think verbal or physical assaults are exclusive to the Anacostia Metro Station or to the green line in general (news reports support an overall lack of consideration on all lines) but I am curious about other riders experience when taking the subway to and from the Anacostia and Congress Heights metro stops. Do you feel safe? Do the trains/buses come on time? Do you feel that certain days and times are more chaotic than others? Do you feel that Metro is responsive to passenger needs?

If your experience riding on the green line is a negative one please explain why and offer suggestions on ways it could be improved. If your experience has been a positive one please explain why.