WASHPO: Rookie ANC official Pugh's efforts part of rising civic energy in Southeast D.C.

How awesome is this? This is what serving is all about and how one person with one vote can make one huge difference in their community. "Congrats" to new ANC Commissioner Nicole Pugh of SMD 8E01 for daring to vote for herself and give her single member district a voice.  Nicole is an inspirational figure for all of us.  All we have do to is "get involved, ask questions, and demand more!"

One vote (even for yourself) can make all the difference in the world. Can't wait for next ANC elections, I am sure there will be even more first-time contenders!

Go HERE to read the full article.


Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 8, 2011; 12:17 AM

When Nicole Pugh stepped into the voting booth in November, she had two things on her mind: Vote for mayor and go about her usual Tuesday business.

Then she got curious: What was this Advisory Neighborhood Commission on the ballot?

So, after some quick reading - and feeling a little whimsical - Pugh wrote her name on the ballot for her local ANC district, 8E01. What could be the harm?

A week later, she learned that her impulse had turned her into a local politician. Her lone vote put her in charge of a district that hadn't been represented in 14 years.

Call her the accidental commissioner.