DC Water Announces Town Hall Meetings
For the first time this year, General Manager Hawkins recorded a personal invitation to customers that will go out by automated phone call. The calling list includes all those who have contacted DC Water with questions or concerns within the last year.
“I feel it is important for DC Water, and me personally, to go into the communities we serve,” said DC Water General Manager George S. Hawkins. “We want to talk to all of our customers and others who we affect with our work. The team and I will also be ready to talk about upcoming construction projects, including the benefits and any possible disruptions.”
Meetings will be held in each ward and feature information on water quality, construction projects, employment, and customer service. Experts will be on hand to discuss water and sewer rates, drinking water, infrastructure, and efforts to help clean local rivers. Please see the meeting dates and locations below or refer to the website at www.dcwater.com/rates.
The DC Water Board of Directors will hold a public hearing regarding the 2012 proposed rates at a location to be determined. Please check the website at www.dcwater.com/rates after March 8 for the location and meeting details. For more information about the hearing, please call the Office of the Board Secretary 202-787-2330.
For information about the town hall meetings, please contact (202) 787-2200.
All meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m.
Date Ward Location
March 8 Ward 3 University of the District of Columbia, Windows Lounge (Building 38 - Second Floor), 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW Campus Map
March 17 Ward 6 Watkins Elementary School (multipurpose room), 420 12th Street, SE
March 22 Ward 5 Luke C. Moore Academy (auditorium), 1001 Monroe Street, NE
March 29 Ward 8 Temple of Praise (Lower Level Fellowship Hall), 700 Southern Avenue, SE
April 12 Ward 2 Location to be confirmed
April 21 Ward 4 Shepherd Elementary School (auditorium), 7800 14th Street, NW
April 26 Ward 7 Location to be confirmed
April 28 Ward 1 Columbia Heights Education Campus (cafeteria), 3101 16th Street NW
About the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority
The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) provides drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment to more than 600,000 residential, commercial and governmental customers in the District of Columbia, and also collects and treats wastewater for a population of 1.6 million in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties in Maryland and Fairfax and Loudoun counties in Virginia.
DC Water’s service area covers approximately 725 square miles. The Authority operates the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant, with a capacity of 370 million gallons per day and a peak capacity of 1.076 billion gallons per day.
Contact Information:
Pamela Mooring
You can view this News Release at http://www.dcwater.com/news/