April 2: At-Large Candidate Forum on Youth Issues

On April 2, 2011 from 2:30-4:30pm at Martin Luther King Memorial Library, YouthPAC will partner with DC Students Speak to host a At-Large Council Candidate Forum on Youth Issues.

Join young people and youth groups from across the city and ask candidates the hard-hitting questions that matter most to young people in the District. Whether your issues be the public education system, truancy, gang violence, youth-friendly businesses or civic engagement, this is the forum for you to attend.
Candidates who have confirmed for the forum so far:
  • Councilmember Sekou Biddle
  • Joshua Lopez
  • Alan Page
  • Bryan Weaver
  • Patrick Mara
IMPORTANT: YouthPAC will be endorsing a candidate for At-Large City Council and State Board of Education in Wards 4 and 8! All registered members: be ready to make an informed decision and vote during the forum! Here are the rules of the endorsement:

  • To vote in the YouthPAC endorsement on April 2, you must be a registered member of YouthPAC between the ages of 13 and 30 years of age.
  • To vote, you must also be registered by Wednesday, March 30 by 11:59pm EST
  • For the State Board of Education races in Wards 4 and 8, only candidates who turned in their questionnaires for the March 12th Endorsement will be eligible for the endorsement (as a result of a scheduled re-vote)
  • All At-Large candidates that qualified to be on April 26th’s Special Election Ballot will be eligible for endorsement by the organization
  • Candidates must gain 60% of the total vote in order to be endorsed by the organization
  • If a candidate gains less than 60%, but wins the plurality, the candidate will get a letter of support from the organization, that will be released to the press.
  • Voting for the endorsement will be open between 3:00pm and 4:30pm, after which the ballots will be taken for a public counting
  • Campaigning will only be allowed outside of the library
Rules of the forum will be released at a later date through a joint release between YouthPAC and DC Students Speak. Please RSVP via Facebook at tinyurl.com/youthpac. Anyone interested in voting in the YOUTHPAC Endorsement vote must register for the PAC no later than Wednesday March 30, 2011 11:59PM at http://www.tinyurl.com/youthpacregistration.