WASHPO: Labor of love becomes gathering for community in Anacostia

Don't I feel special? Very nice mention of Congress Heights on the Rise and And Now, Anacostia. If you haven't yet checked out The Hive, Uniontown Bar & Grill, and Big Chair Coffee & Grill in Historic Anacostia, make sure to pay them a visit soon! Also, if you aren't watching Anacostia: The Series -- what are you waiting for? It's great!

Go HERE to read the full article by Chris L. Jenkins.


But developers and commercial real estate experts attribute some of the ward's recent attention to newer residents actively telling their own stories through blogs and other social media. Congress Heights on the Rise and And Now, Anacostia, among others, have been boosters for the community, keeping new residents informed about local politics, development and other issues while providing a forum for residents to raise concerns about their neighborhood. There's even an online television show, "Anacostia the Webseries," getting set to start filming its third season. It features fictional characters living in the historic neighborhood, and its producer is an Anacostia native.

"I started blogging really because I was tired of people saying 'Why do you live over there?' " said Nikki Peele, 33, who started Congress Heights on the Rise, a site that is both complimentary and critical of her neighborhood. "It was a way for me to say 'This is my experience' and work through layers of misconceptions people have about the community."