WASHPO: D.C. council candidates blast Democratic party leaders

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When Kwame Brown gave up his council seat after being elected council chairman, the D.C. Democratic State Committee decided it would take advantage of a law allowing it to decide a temporary successor until a special election could be held.

Before the committee voted to name Biddle as Brown's successor, party leaders stressed the decision was not an endorsement, meaning all Democrats were free to enter the special election.

In a terse response to party leaders, Jacque Patterson questioned the "integrity" of the state committee.

"What is this party if there is no integrity?" wrote Patterson, chair of the Ward 8 Democrats and also a candidate in the special election. "How do we build this party if we are willingly to allow this special election to be taken over by special interest individuals who aren't necessarily supporting the best candidate, but building personal political power?"

In another email sent to party officials Friday, Ward 1 activist Bryan Weaver said there is an "appearance of collusion" between the state committee and Biddle.
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