GGW: Why is Capital Bikeshare usage low east of the river?

Interesting article by Life in the Village on the Capital Bikeshare program in River East. I have to admit that although I am impressed by the shiny new bikes I have yet to take them out for a spin. Why not? I'm really not sure. Maybe perhaps because I haven't ridden a bike in over ten years? The cold? The snow? The lack of bike stations nearby? The lack of free time?  Regardless, I hope that this Spring I get an opportunity to ride through Anacostia Park. I am sure it would be amazing.

Go HERE to read the full Greater Greater Washington article.

P.S. In terms of the little "controversy" that has surrounded a single sentence in this post. What can I say? As someone who has been writing publicly the past two years it just comes with the territory. Someone is always going to find fault with something that you write, especially when they aren't your usual demographic.  I've run into it before when writing about East of the River for people unfamiliar with the community or culture.  I think it comes as part of the learning process --- for both sides ----although to be honest sometimes it can be a real pain in the fanny when you are trying to get a point across.

Keep your head up V! :)

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