DCRA launches the Small Business Resource Center on March 1st!

From my buddies at DCRA (that's right I said "budddies").


We’re very excited launch the Small Business Resource Center (SBRC) on March 1st.  The SBRC will offer one-on-one business counseling and workshops specifically designed to assist small business owners and entrepreneurs with navigating the District’s regulatory environment. 

Questions about your business license, corporate registration, taxes, legal issues, or other business compliance related topics?

Visit us online at http://dcra.ecenterdirect.com.  Services are available by appointment only, and will include assistance from our partners from many small business service organizations around the District of Columbia, such as: 

  • DC Women’s Business Center
  • DC Small Business Development Center Network
  • Washington Area Community Investment Fund
  • Latino Economic Development Corporation
  • DC Chamber of Commerce
  • DC Bar Pro Bono Program
  • Washington, DC Economic Partnership
  • US Internal Revenue Service

Visit us today at http://dcra.ecenterdirect.com.  Also follow us on twitter at @dcsmallbizctr or http://twitter.com/dcsmallbizctr.
The Advoc8teDCRAComment