URBANTURF: Congress Heights: Gradually Rising

Asheford Court Homes
(photo courtesy of UrbanTurf)
Congress Heights is on a hot streak this month in the positive publicity department! It seems like yesterday when I could barely find a mention of "Congress Heights" on the web and now my  "Congress Heights" Google Alert seems to be going off constantly. Congress Heights isn't the only River East neighborhood basking in the shine.  East of the River as a whole is really making some strides in how we are portrayed and perceived. A grass roots revolution has been peculating the past 18 months, as a community of activists, boosters, and bloggers we are literally putting our  neighborhoods on the map and getting the real story -- our story--- told. In many cases we are the ones telling it.   I get a thrill every time I see a River East neighborhood name used in a publication (and correctly at that) in lieu of the standard "Southeast" catch all.  DC residents and reporters alike are learning.

It didn't happen overnight but it is progress.

Check out UrbanTurf's article on the ins, outs, and boundaries of our "in" neighborhood.  Congress Heights is indeed on the rise!

Go HERE to read the full UrbanTurf article, Congress Heights: Gradually Rising

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com