PLEASE PARTICIPATE! What do you want from City Council Communications?

Hi Guys--

This is a cross-post from Susie's Budget and Policy Corner. Please take the short survey.  Your input could really have an impact on how the City Council communicates with us in the community. Thank you for your assistance, I am off to take the survery myself!  Thanks! -- The Advoc8te

What you want from City Council communications - a brief survey

The pending announcement of Linda Wharton-Boyd's move to the executive branch from the legislative branch prompted me to think about what it is we (advocates, providers, the community at large) want from Council communications. This (What you want from City Council communications) is your opportunity to share your ideas. I will sort them out, tidy them up and share here on the blog and send to CMs.

Please share ideas by January 31. Take a few minutes and provide ideas--format, frequency, content, etc. Hopefully, our recommendations will be implemented.