First Lady Michelle Obama makes appearance in Congress Heights!

Another great "First" (First Lady that is).  This morning at THEARC First Lady Michelle Obama with Executives from Walmart announced Walmart's new Healthy Food Program.   This initiative is a part of the First Lady's "Let's Move" campaign.

The Advoc8te attended the event and will be doing a write up shortly, including pictures and video.  The First Lady is even more beautiful in person.  She spoke with such passion.

Other attendees included ANC Commissioner Charles Wilson, Ward 8 Democrats President (and current At-Large candidate) Jacque Patterson, Councilmembers Marion Barry, Yvette Alexander, Harry Thomas Jr., and Chairman Kwame Brown.

A big "Thanks" to Edmund Fleet and Wil Thomas of THEARC for inviting The Advoc8te to attend today's announcement. It's not everyday a lowly community blogger gets a White House Press Pool pass -- even a temporary one.

I love Congress Heights!

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