Don't I feel special

Besides the opportunity to gorge myself on holiday cookies, one of my most favorite things about EotR holiday parties are the opportunities I have to meet my EotR neighbors in person, especially my CHotR readers. When I started CHotR almost three years ago, my mission was simple: encourage people to become engaged, excited and informed about our EotR community. Sometimes that comes in the form of being inspired by my posts or frankly "mad as hell", but regardless, I wanted people, especially EotR residents to feel empowered and encouraged to get involved in our community.

The past few weeks, as I have been making my many holiday rounds I have been very honored and surprised to meet CHotR readers (including some of my my most regular commenters) and a few of my guest writers for the first time. They have all been charming, darling (my highest honor), and really good people. I have never been so proud to say, "these are my neighbors!" It has been such a pleasure putting a face to a screen name, and not one person has pointed out I look nothing like my profile picture. :)

Last night at the River East Emerging Leaders holiday party in Historic Anacostia about a half dozen people approached me, asked if I was indeed "The Advoc8te" and told me how much they enjoy reading the blog. No matter how many times I hear it, I always get a kick out of hearing what people think of the blog, whether they like it, love it, or hate it. Reader feedback is a big part of shaping what CHotR is and what I hope it will continue to become, a forum for information, ideas, and advocacy. I know it sounds trite but that positive feedback is without a doubt the driving force that encourages me (and I am sure my fellow bloggers) to spend the many late nights and pre-dawn mornings (and sometimes during our day jobs) writing posts, editing pictures, and obsessing over layout. We really want to do a good job keeping our neighbors engaged in what is going on in our communities. It may not be the Washington Post, CNN, or the Washington City Paper, but I do think that our humble little blogs do provide a service. I am proud of that, and tickled pink when readers tell me they found something of interest on my blog, in many ways that is why I write it -- for my readers, who I am lucky enough to say have become my friends, my business partners, and sometimes if I am really lucky, my fellow tomfoolery crime fighters. :)

Therefore, for all my readers, thank you so much, for your support, your tips, and your interest.  I hope to meet more of you over the next year and I hope you continue reading (and commenting) on Congress Heights on the Rise. Moreover, for my new special friends, like the ones I met last night and this week, I look forward to seeing more of you on the blog and in the streets --- even Giant!

Your pal,
The Advoc8te

P.S. Another benefit of meeting so many people is that it increases my odds of getting some really stellar birthday gifts/cards.  :)  I hope everyone is penciling in January 3rd on their calendar. LOL!