WASHPO: Biddle, Patterson, Orange, Robinson pursue at-large D.C. Council seat

Go HERE to read full Washington Post, November 8, 2010  article.

By Mike DeBonis


With less than two months until city Democrats are scheduled to fill the at-large D.C. Council seat being vacated by Chairman-Elect Kwame Brown, the field of potential replacements is starting to shape up.

Four prospective candidates today picked up nominating petitions. They are Sekou Biddle, the incumbent Ward 4 representative on the State Board of Education; Vincent Orange, the former Ward 5 council member whose campaign for the chairmanship fell short; Jacque Patterson, a Federal City Council staffer who also chairs the Ward 8 Democrats; and Kelvin Robinson, the former chief of staff to Mayor Anthony A. Williams who ran unsuccessfully for the Ward 6 seat this year.

To be considered for appointment by the 81 members of the D.C. Democratic State Committee, each candidate will have to collect 1,000 signatures from registered city Democrats -- with a minimum of 100 signatures from each ward -- plus signatures from one-third of the committee members (27).

The committee will host a debate/forum with the qualifying candidates on Dec. 16. The final showdown is expected to take place Jan. 6; to keep the seat, the appointee would then have to run in a special election tentatively scheduled for early May.

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