The "Thank God for Cough Medicine" Edition

Good Morning Dear Readers!

Isn't it a wonderful day?!!!

The Advoc8te spent most of Election Day battling a super nasty cold. Imagine lots of whining, bad hair, and loud breathing. It's hard to think, let alone blog when the earth is spinning so pardon the sporadic coverage of ED on CHotR. I did get to vote (score!) and I did manage to get down to Anacostia for the Curbside Cupcake truck (double score!). Now, thanks to the healing powers of Nyquil, orange juice, and a particularly tasty red velvet cupcake (don't judge me- it was medicinal) I start this morning refreshed and renewed (for the moment anyway).

While I am riding high (perhaps literally considering all the cough medicine in my system), I will do my best to crank out a marathon session of CHotR: The Post-Election Edition.

Will start with a wrap-up of River East/East of the River ANC election results, following by my take on the ANC 8C races, and some of the other citywide races I was most interested in watching.

Sounds ambitious? It is! Here's to hoping this burst of good health lasts, if not, please send more red velvet (or carrot cake) cupcakes to my attention, stat. You can follow the Curbside Cupcake truck HERE.

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