Kojo in the Community: Ward 8 broadcast

Unfortunately The Advoc8te had another community event on Wed, Nov 3rd so I missed the beginning of the "Kojo in the Community" townhall meeting at THEARC but the later half of the dialogue I was able to hear (and at one point participate in) was very, very good. It is always so inspiring and frankly informative to hear from fellow East of the River/River East (and yes that did come up) residents discuss the triumphs and challenges of live East of River, in particular in Ward 8.

The townhall meeting was broadcast today on The Kojo Show but if you are like me and missed it, I am including the links to the radio broadcast below.  Feel free to put her earphones on and check it out while you pretend to do work at your desk (lets be honest, you were probably on Facebook anyway).

Kojo in Your Community: Ward 8

Thursday, Nov 4, 2010 at 12:06 p.m. in Business, Economy, Education, Kojo in Your Community, Technology
We'll explore the reasons for the employment gap East of the River and how residents can bridge the "digital divide" separating them from job opportunities.
Go HERE to listen to the segment.

Kojo in Your Community: Ward 8
Thursday, Nov 4, 2010 at 1:06 p.m. in Business, Economy, Kojo in Your Community, Politics
We'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of neighborhood transformation.
Go HERE to listen to the segment.
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