18 more signatures needed! Please sign and show your support!

Show your support for the continued revitalization and arts projects for Historic Anacostia, sign the "I support ARCH Development Corporation's commitment to Historic Anacostia" petition HERE.

There is no cost to sign the petition. Please sign it today and forward to your friends!

ARCH Development Corporation (ADC) is a 501[c] [3] not-for-profit community based organization that believes arts and the creative economy can be employed as part of a comprehensive, synergistic approach to community revitalization in the Anacostia community of the Washington, DC. ADC feels that properly organized facilities and development programs designed to attract artists, performing arts groups, theater companies and other creative community-based organizations can serve as the engine for neighborhood economic development. This approach will yield other benefits. It can nourish the spiritual and creative energies to allow individuals to regenerate themselves. The creative economy also can bridge the many differences that seemingly divide the residents of Anacostia: age, gender, income, race and ethnicity. ADC strives to accomplish its vision with the following programs.

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