GUEST POST: On Sept 28th Interstages celebrates its 5th year!

On September 28th Interstages celebrates its 5th year serving middle school girls east of the river by teaming up with community artist Helina Metaferia to create a portable mural. The portable mural, designed and painted by girls in the after-school arts program, will be on display during community events and performances.

About Interstages: Middle-graders often fall through the cracks – too old for aftercare programs designed for young children but too young for the extra-curricular and work activities of high schoolers. Interstages steps in to fill this gap, offering girls a combination of academic support and music enrichment in an environment that fosters personal growth. Academic goal setting, homework help, remediation and enrichment come first. Then an exploration of the world through music: guest artist visits, lessons in music fundamentals and history, group music making, drama and dance. Open Monday to Friday from 3: 30-6: 00pm, Interstages boasts a 6 to 1 student to adult ratio. For girls in DC’s Wards 7 and 8, this program is more than a study hall, more than a music class, more than a prevention program, and more than an isolated experience – it brings academic, artistic, and personal success together.

About Helina Metaferia: Helina Metaferia is a holistic practitioner, fine artist and DC resident. She received formal art education at Temple University's Tyler School of Art and at Morgan State University, where she obtained her BA in Fine Art. Helina has been represented by art galleries across the nation. Her art can be found in museums and on large-scale urban murals. She has been teaching visual and healing art classes in community based programs since 2004. Helina is the owner and founder of The Meta Experience, a visual and healing arts company that provides wellness in people's lives.
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