We need some Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners ready to SERVE.

The Advoc8te is going to continue to sound like a broken record to encourage qualified, dedicated, selfless and  responsible community advocates to run for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner positions. We are in dire need of some emerging leaders who are ready, willing and able to "serve".

There are people in the community right now, some maybe reading this, who have some great ideas on how to improve their neighborhood, unite their neighbors, galvanize community support and interest,  and possibly restore some order and direction to their current Advisory Neighborhood Commission.

The Advoc8te is sure that there are may reasons NOT to run: the time commitment, maybe running against someone who has been the position for decades, the chaos, the tomfoolery, the bickering, the fighting, the accusations of being too young, or new, or white, or black, or old, or pretty much whatever. We have seen what happens (or doesn't happen) when concerned citizens stop getting involved.

The good news is you only need one really good reason to run: TO SERVE.

Improve your block, your street, your single member district, your ANC and even your Ward one step at a time. Lasting progress happens from the inside out.  We have a lot of talent in Ward 8, I work with them everyday. We need to encourage them to take leadership positions and to get involved to help their community prosper.  To be become more inclusive, more forward thinking, more pro-active and much more positive.

And remember:

"He who is greatest among you shall be a servant."

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