WASHPO: Anacostia museum exhibit details how Lorenzo Dow Turner traced Gullah language

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The root of Gullah words are explained in the Smithsonian's Anacostia Community Museum's exhibit "Word, Shout, Song," which opens Monday and runs through March 27. The exhibit presents the work of scholar Lorenzo Dow Turner, perhaps the first well-known African American linguist, who was called "the father of Gullah studies."

The exhibit -- which includes photographs from the African Diaspora, artifacts from the Sea Islands and rare audio recordings of spoken Gullah -- follows Turner's linguistic detective work into the Gullah and Geechee communities. It traces Turner's travels to Georgia, South Carolina, Brazil and Africa as he tried to get to the root of what these Gullah words meant and translated them for a wider audience, providing insight into isolated worlds.

Turner was "able to connect words from Portuguese, Gullah and English to their African origins," said Alcione Amos, the exhibit's curator.
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