DC WIRE: FOP sues Fenty administration over FOIA request

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The D.C Fraternal Order of Police, which is backing Vincent C. Gray in the mayor's race, filed suit Tuesday against Mayor Adrian M. Fenty's administration for its alleged failure to respond to an information request about how the city police department works with Peaceoholics.

In the suit, filed in D.C. Superior Court, the FOP seeks judicial relief because it alleges the administration "has delayed its response" to an information act request filed last month.

The request, filed with the Office of Chief Technology Officer, seeks all documents between Jan. 1 2007 and July 17, related to how the police department responds to requests from Peaceoholics and whether the agency uses government resources to assist the group. The request also seeks information on whether the police department has ever evaluated whether Peaceoholics is effective.
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