BEYOND BREAD: A Rooftop Garden, One Pot at a Time - PLEASE HELP!

The Advoc8te is asking her readers to dig deep and come up with a pot --or two ---or some potting soil!

Go HERE to read the full post.

Local. Organic. Sustainable. Great buzzwords. But for an organization dedicated to meeting so many urgent immediate needs, "going green" can seem like a daunting prospect.

Yet even the smallest seed can, with care, grow into great bounty. So, recently, at our Southeast facility, we've started planting some seeds in the one part of our building that isn't already bursting at the seams: the roof.

Up to this point, the roof has primarily been known as a great place to get locked out on. But now it features the budding of a small experimental container garden. So far this season, we have been growing radishes, tomatoes, and several types of herbs, including parsley, mint and oregano. Someday soon, we hope this garden will be the inspiration for lots of inter-generational learning, as well as "some darn good cooking."

Anna now plans to canvas additional local hardware and garden stores, and is looking for help and donations. She says: "We are hoping for pots of all sizes and types, vegetable and herb seedlings and cuttings, potting soil and plant supports (ie: trellises and garden wire). If you would like to help, please contact me at "

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