Advisory Neighborhood Commission Candidates as of August 19th!

Go HERE to check out the list of all the candidates who have picked up their petitions as of August 19th.

 The race for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners is getting goooooooooooooood! I don't recall seeing this many new faces last election.  This is awesome! The race for ANC 8C is shaping up very, very nicely. 4 of the 5 current seats have "options" (going to try and avoid "challengers") and for the first time in a long time (as I have been told) BOLLING AIRFORCE BASE HAS A CANDIDATE FOR ONE OF ITS TWO SEATS! Pardon me while I freak out for a minute.

AAAAAA-MAZING! I am starting to think that ANC 8C may have a really good chance of getting it together in 2011! We may actually get something done this time. Will do a separate post on how the ANC 8C races are shaping  up.  I hope this really encourages folks to go downtown and get their nominating petitions and run a positive campaign.  We always need a new voice, a new perspective and a new commitment.  Be that that option - become that transformational figure. Run for an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner position!

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