WASHPO: D.C., Howard U. partner on Southeast Washington facility for troubled girls

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Come next month, the agency will finally have a place for some of those girls. A new, privately run facility is to open on a quiet block in the Marshall Heights neighborhood of Southeast Washington. The 5,500-square-foot house, built in 2007 and renovated by the operators of the new program, Metropolitan Educational Solutions, will take a half-dozen girls at the outset. Some will be returning from distant facilities, while others are at risk of being sent to such places, known as residential treatment centers.

With a partnership planned with Howard University, the Lillian D. Worthington Residential Facility is intended to serve not only as a home but a bridge to education beyond high school -- in a vocational training program, community college or four-year university.

Unlike a group home, where residents usually leave to go to school, the residents of Worthington will have their primary classroom on site, similar to residential treatment centers.

And when the residents, expected to range in age from 15 to 20, do venture out, say, for a lesson at a museum or a visit to Howard, they will be escorted by facility staff just as they would be at a residential center, officials said.