WAMU 88.5: “Hey, You, Get Off Of My Lawn!:” Two Determined Neighbors Face Off For An ANC Seat

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In late June 21-year-old Larry Pretlow announced he would face off against Mary Cuthbert for the ANC 8C03 commissioner seat in southeast D.C., a position the current incumbent has held for almost as long as the college student has been alive.

According to Pretlow, she has not taken kindly to his candidacy, “discouraging [him] from the get-go” and telling him “you’re not going to get it because I’ve been commissioner for 20 years.” She has been able to convey these thoughts quite directly due to an amusing coincidence: the two rivals turn out to be next-door neighbors, a mere fence separating their backyards.

Pretlow, who is president of the National Youth Rights Association D.C. Chapter, is running on a platform of change, hoping to sway voters with his youthful energy and a vigorous campaign, the likes of which Cuthbert has not seen in “five to six years,” according to this cub candidate. The Strayer University honor-roll IT major says Cuthbert is not doing enough to fix problems in the District and has languished into inactivity.

“Mary Cuthbert is sleeping on the job and has been for many years,” he writes on his website.

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