ONLY SIX MORE DAYS UNTIL NOMINATION PETITIONS ARE DUE:Tips on Filing the Nominating Petition – Checklist

If you are still considering a run for an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner position don't delay! You can still pick up a nominating petition and get your 25 minimium signatures from registered voters in your single member district.  By all accounts this ANC election year has been the most active by far. More new residents are hearing the call of community service and are wiling to serve and willing to provide their neighborhood with another option.

Please don't be discouraged, run for an ANC position today. Your community needs you!

Nominating petitions are due at the DC Board of Elections and Ethics on Friday, September 3rd!

Go HERE to learn more about the process of running for an ANC Single Member District seat.

Arrive at the Board’s office early and prepared to file.

Before filing the nominating petition, assemble and serially number all the sheets which comprise the petition. The Board may reject any petition that does not meet this requirement.

Make sure the Circulator’s Affidavit on each petition page is completed and signed.

Make sure you have your Declaration of Candidacy completed and notarized. If you plan to have a member of the Board’s staff notarize the Declaration, arrive at the office with the form completed except for the signature. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate. It may not be signed by anyone else.

Make sure you have the Affidavit of the Person Filing the Petition completed and notarized. If you plan for a member of the Board’s staff to notarize the Affidavit, arrive at the office with the Affidavit completed except for the signature.

File the minimum number of signatures early so that, if a document is missing or someone makes an error, there is still time to correct the deficiency before the deadline for filing the nomination petition. Remember, you can always file supplemental petition pages up until the deadline once you have made the initial filing with the minimum signature requirement.

Review your petition before filing. Petitions must meet all the requirements of the law. The Board may reject any petition that does not conform to either the Election Code or the Board’s regulations.

You can check your petition signatures prior to filing by reviewing the list of registered voters that is available for public use in the Board’s office and at various public libraries. This list is also available electronically. To order an electronic copy of the voter registration list, see the Obtaining Voter Registration Data section of this Guide, visit our web site or call the Board at 202-727-2525.

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