PRESS RELEASE: Fenty Commences Work on New State-of-the-Art Fort Stanton Community Center


Today, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, Executive Director of the Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization (OPEFM) Allen Y. Lew, and Acting Director of the Department of Parks & Recreation (DPR) Jesús Aguirre joined Ward 8 residents for a ceremonial groundbreaking at the Fort Stanton Community Center, 1812 Erie Street, SE.

The $12.5-million project replaces the current 2,500 square foot recreation center with a new 18,000 square foot community center complete with a gymnasium. The project also includes renovating the existing pool house, installing a pedestrian connection to upper fields, and installing additional parking for patrons. The new recreation center is expected to be LEED Silver certification.

"We have kept the community abreast of our progress on this very important Fort Stanton Community Center. I am proud that construction will soon begin on what promises to be an outstanding new facility," said Mayor Fenty. "I am thrilled with the committed efforts of OPEFM and DPR in working with the community to create a first-class facility. Once our work here is done, this recreation center will be the centerpiece of this community."

"The design for Fort Stanton is quite impressive. We are finalizing the contract for one of our best design-build teams and anticipate hiring several residents from the community to assist with the construction," said OPEFM Director Allen Lew.

"DPR aims to make recreation centers assets to District residents with excellent facilities and high quality programming," said DPR Acting Director Jesús Aguirre. "We are excited for the construction of the new Fort Stanton Recreation Center, which will be one of the largest facilities of its kind in Ward 8."

The new Fort Stanton Recreation Center is expected to be completed in November 2011.

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