TODAY @ 6:30pm: Anacostia: Never Far From Home Reception

Anacostia: Never Far From Home
Opening reception July 30th @ 6:30pm

The Gallery at Vivid Solutions hosts Anacostia: Never Far From Home, a look at the past and present of Anacostia, with the help from local bloggers Fred Joiner (, Nikki Peele ( and David Garber ( This interactive exhibition includes community participation -- everyone is invited to bring their own photographs to hang on the community wall and assist the gallery in telling a visual story of Anacostia. The exhibit will evolve over the course of the show, as local residents and bloggers react to and build their story.

(Contact us to be involved:  / 202-365-8392)

Exhibit will be on display until September 10th, 2010. Melani Douglass will leading educational workshops during this exhibit, if interested please contact her

East of the River: 4th Annual Juried Exhibition
Opening Reception Friday, July 30th @ 6:30 pm

For the fourth year running, artists rooted in Wards 7 and 8 will be featured in Honfleur Gallery’s juried East of the River exhibition. Eleven artists are included in the exhibition; BK Adams, Nigil Brice, Ralston Cyrus, Melani Douglass, Matthew Mann, Samuel Mercer, Marlon Normon, Luis Peralta, Amanda Stephenson, Deborah Terry and Renee Woodward. Photography, drawings, paintings and sculptures by artists who are Anacostia natives and recent newcomers.

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