TIME FOR A CHANGE: Larry T. Pretlow, 21 announces candidacy for ANC 8C03!

Larry T. Pretlow, candidate for ANC 8C03
 The Advoc8te can barely contain her glee that community residents are being inspired to run for positions with their Advisory Neighborhood Commission! I am particularly excited that Larry T. Pretlow a young man and new resident  is running for the single member district seat currently held by Commissioner Mary Cuthbert.  Yes, the same Commissioner Cuthbert who threatened to whoop my ass.

One thing we are in desperate need of in ANC 8C (and across River East)  are more young people getting involved and taking a stand in advocating for their community. We can no longer continue to rely on the same "usual suspects" when it comes to making decisions for our community.  We need more diversity on our ANC Commissions to reflect our community.  We need  established residents who haven't served before and who are committed and capable to serve, new residents who are new to the process but who are willing to learn.  We need more racial, economic, and educational diversity in order to move our communities foward.

Unfortunetly, not every elected official, including some of our ANC Commissioners,  are the most inclusive or forward thinking when it comes to progress and cooperation East of the River.  There is a huge running joke in the Ward 8 community that you know you are doing good when you have been cussed out by Mary  Cuthbert.  New residents and those outside of the "inner circle" use their negative run-ins with Commissioner Cuthbert as a badge of honor, an indication that you are on the right side of the good fight for Ward 8.  We each share our outrageous tales of insults, intimidation, and run-ins with laughter and a shrug, but in all seriousness this is not a joke.  Elected officials should be helpful, open, and caring; their claim to fame should not be in being dismissive, rude, and insulting.  We deserve better Ward 8, and it is high time that we demand that, starting with the Advisory Neighborhood Commission elections.

The Advoc8te wishes Larry T. Pretlow success in his campaign and will be only too happy to help him and any other candidate who wishes to run for a seat on their Advisory Neighborhood Commission. If I have any word of advise for Mr. Pretlow (or any other candidate)  it is to remain encouraged, do your research, and above all else remain committed and steadfast to serving the residents of your community.

It's about community - NOT seniority. We need to demand more so we can accomplish more.  Everyone, regardless of age or length of residency, has a voice and a right to participate and contribute to the success of their community.  The days of the same people running (often unopposed) for ANC positions are over. 

Ward 8 is in desperate need of some stiff competition.

And in response to all the comments and emails asking if The Advoc8te has plans to run for the seat for ANC 8C02 I haven't decided yet but I am seriously thinking about it. We need a significant change in ideas, actions, and outreach in ANC 8C and that can not happen with the current commission, if it could  it would have happened by now.

In order to seek change you have to make change.
Let's make our change NOW!

To learn more about the Larry Pretlow campaign for Single Member District 8C03 visit his website, http://www.larrypretlow2.org/

Email: lpretlow2.anc@gmail.com
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