PRESS RELEASE:Mary Cuthbert Rips Down 21-year old Opponents Campaign Signs

For Immediate Release

Mary Cuthbert (65) feels challenged by 21 Year-old Larry T. Pretlow II who filed his Declaration of Candidacy for ANC 8C03 Commissioner on June 21, 2010.

Cuthbert lives next door to Pretlow and has been Commissioner for nearly twenty years. Pretlow filed complaint with DCBOEE today, regarding his believes that she is "ripping down his signs" from Metro Bus Stops and local Mom & Pop stores in their community.

Pretlow is the President of the National Youth Rights Association, DC Chapter and is currently pushing for a "Limited-Curfew" for Ward 8 Youth. As a Candidate for ANC Commissioner for SMD 8C03 his biggest issue is the matter of "Public Safety". He vows to develop a Public Safety Taskforce for his district that would include local Police and Neighborhood-Watch members. - Official Site

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