PRESS RELEASE: State of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE

District Committee of Civic and Legislative Reform
Proactive Force. Productive Action. Building Our City.

Honorable Councilmember Marion Barry
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Suite 102
Washington, D.C. 20004

Sub: Civic RAID on “STATE OF M L K”

As a new resident, but no stranger to Ward 8, within the capacity of a concerned public citizen and D.C. Native, I am demanding (with all respect) that the Council of the District of Columbia takes emergency action on the State of M L K JR AVE in South East. We must begin work to transform this “Harbor of Trouble & Failure” into a “SAFE HARBOR for Life and Success”.

Martin Luther King Jr. AVE, SE is nothing more than an “irritated eye sore” and “high risk area for trouble and crime”. Between St. Elizabeth (Gate 1) and the 3300 block, this street is festered with High School Dropouts, Alcoholics & Drug Addicts, and Troubled Youth & Adults who prey on those who aren’t “sagging’ their pants’ and ‘smoking a joint, or holding a beer”. This stretch of the street needs to be RAIDED and a No-Tolerance Policy needs to be enforced to keep it clean and safe.

At the age of 20, approaching 21 on June 19th, I have escaped- Drug & Alcohol Abuse, a Life of Crime, and failed Education. I’m an active voice in DC Politics and a productive and positive citizen in my community. I’m currently enrolled at Strayer University and an employee of the Office of the Chief Technology Officer. I have earned my right to live without the fear of becoming victim to the carless and criminal actions of others. - We should not suffer for being a “good-Different” -

Please implement increased Police presence and a taskforce to clean up this stretch of Martin Luther King Jr AVE. I am eagerly awaiting your commitment to this effort.

Larry T. Pretlow II
WARD 8 Democrat / Chairman
3319 Martin Luther King Jr AVE SE, #B1
Washington, D.C. 20032
(301) 979-5881 – Business Cell
Formally Resident of Ward 7 @ 3341 Dix St NE


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