NBC: Peaceaholics vs. ANC: Call in the FBI?

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Seegars says Fenty allies may try to buy votes

Updated 12:46 PM EDT, Thu, Jun 24, 2010

Some Ward 8 Democrats -- led by Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Sandra Seegars -- want the FBI to oversee the September D.C. mayoral primary, reports the Washington Post. They're fearing that Peaceoholics co-founder Ron Moten may pay people to vote.

It’s the latest volley in the ongoing battle between Seegars, who supports Leo Alexander for mayor, and Moten.

In one corner is Seegars, who was the subject of a flattering Washington Post profile two days ago. Seegars "is not afraid of you, or the mayor, or of any of the employees who answer the phone in any of the District's agencies, [nor is she] afraid to walk her neighborhood in Southeast, where the murder rate is also among the highest in the city."

In the opposing corner is Moten, an ex-con who, as Washington City Paper wrote last fall, "is wired at the upper echelons of the city bureaucracy. He bypasses mid-level law enforcement and handles his business at street level, where his word is his bond. And with 50 or so ex-felons on his payroll, who he can dispatch at any hour of the day or night to quash a beef between rival crews or stop a school shooting."
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