A Message from Clark Ray, Candidate for DC Councilmember At-Large

Dear Friend:

June 10th is Our next Campaign Financial Filing Deadline. Our Campaign continues to grow and generate momentum! I need your HELP. Please take a moment and make a contribution to help me continue to take our message to the residents of the District. We are running a very energetic & enthusiastic campaign and people from all over the city are noticing our efforts but as you know it takes $$Money$$ to run a campaign. Any amount that you can contribute will help move this Campaign forward - $25, $50, $100, $500, etc… The limit for an At-Large race is $1000.00 but as I stated before – ANY amount you can contribute will be greatly appreciated. Please click on the link below and make your contribution today!

Your continued support and confidence in me as a candidate is sincerely appreciated!


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