Uhh, Oh...Things Aren't Looking Good For The Peaceoholics. Ward 5 has now entered the fray.

Seems that Ward 5 was just as unaware of the Peaceoholics real estate plans as ANC 8E was.  After The Advoc8te posted excerpts from the contract between the Peaceoholics and DHCD regarding the SHIPP properties all hell broke loose in Ward 5 on and offline. Residents realized for the first time that the newly renovated buildings at 1271-1275 Meigs Place, NE were not condos like everyone thought but were instead going to home to potentialy, male youth offenders, or Wards of the Court, or whatever the Peaceoholics are calling them today. The primary concerns seems to be again at the lack of notice to the community and input. No idea if the Ward 5 properties also violate Title 11 as does the Congress Street property.

The Advoc8te has to ask, "why are so many residents from both sides of the City complaining about the lack of notification by The Peaceoholics and DHCD about these projects?"

Go HERE to sign the petition against clustering.

From the Ward 5 listserv:

"I just found out that what I thought to be condos that were completed on Meigs Pl NE, are going to be group homes/halfway houses for 16 - 21 year olds owned by the Peaceaholics. I'm just wondering if the residents of the surrounding neighborhood should've been notified and if there were hearings regarding this, I spoke with a couple of neighbors and they had no clue and like me they thought they were going to be condos. We're just wondering what are we going to expect and what type of monitoring is going to take place so that we can feel safe."

"...If the youth are court-adjudicated, Zoning permission and community notification are needed. If the youth are not under court supervision they can open as a matter of right in communities that are zoned to permit this use. I denounce any facility opening in our communities where the principals fail to inform the community. Ward 5 should not serve as a dumping ground for facilities no one else wants. Inexperienced, though well-meaning providers are not exempt from properly communicating with the ANC(s) and affected neighbors. This type of behavior is unacceptable!

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