DC WIRE: Who won the Ward 8 Straw Poll?
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The Ward 8 Democrats held the first straw poll for the mayor's race in this election season on Saturday. Although Jacque Patterson, the group's president, called it a test of the city's new same-day registration law, it appeared to be a test of how Mayor Adrian M. Fenty can mobilize his support.To submit an article or to inquire about advertising options send an email to TheAdvoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com.
The Green Machine out-organized Fenty's opponents in a ward that polls show will swing for D.C. Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray, his chief challenger in the September primary. Gray won the straw poll among previously registered voters 59 to 49. But despite getting booed during the forum for several mayoral hopefuls, Fenty toppled Gray 69 to 61 when same-day voters were put in the mix.
Fenty was helped by Peaceoholics founder and friend Ron Moten who brought several youths to the event at Matthews Memorial Baptist Church.