Introducing...River East DC Blogs! Real Life. East of the River.

And now for the big announcement...

After getting what seemed to be my 900th request for a list of all the River East blogs, The Advoc8te had an epiphany. "Why not have one place where all the River East blogs can be found?"

Today The Advoc8te launches what will hopefully be a much easier way to get all of your River East news, all in one place.

Real Life. East of the River.

River East DC Blogs launches today and includes a blogroll of all the blogs East of the River. By going to you can see all the River East blogs all in one place and see new posts as they update by River East Bloggers with links directly to their blogs.

All River East news all the time.

Ward 7 Blog
On River East DC Blogs you will also find a River East blog map, which will display the current 24 East of the  River blogs and their location and Ward. Ward 7 blogs are distinguished with a red icon and Ward 8 blogs are distinguished with a blue icon.

As new River East blogs are created and added to the River East blogosphere they will be added to the River East DC Blogs blogroll. If you have a River East blog and would like to be added to the blogroll and receive your red.c.blogs badge to add to your blog please send an email to

Ward 8 Blog
In addition to the blog, you can also follow River East DC Blogs on Twitter, username is redcblogs and on Facebook, River East DC Blogs.

Thanks to all the readers and fellow bloggers for their support and I hope to see you on River East DC  Blogs!

The Advoc8te

P.S. There are a few special people I want to thank for their help on this project. The Readers who have been the best in supporting all of us bloggers,giving us feedback, information and spreading the word about our blogs. The River East bloggers who give so much of themselves to their posts and are always super helpful to help each other out. The DC bloggers and news reporters who link to our blogs and cover our stories or offer us some insight into this whole "citizen journalism" thing. I would like to thank my graphic design firm, Vacant Lot Designs for putting together this awesome logo for me on such short notice and with my limited blogger budget -if anyone needs web or graphic work please check them out. And last but definetly not least I would like to thank my 'mummy' who is not only my best friend but my sounding board. She was my first "fan". No matter how late at night or early in the morning she is willing to discuss the emotional and spiritual significance of olive vs. spring green and Arial font vs. Courier.

P.S.S. Not all the River East bloggers had an email address on their blog so I wasn't able to send them their logo. If you are on the blogroll and would like to have an icon for your site shoot me an email and I will send it to you or you can pull it off the blog.  Thanks!
To contact The Advoc8te to submit an article or to inquire about advertising options send an email to