I AM WARD 8: Dr. Courtney Davis of Historic Anacostia

April's "I am Ward 8" profile focuses on Dr. Courtney Davis of Historic Anacostia.  I have the pleasure of knowing Dr. Davis from her many Ward 8 community activities and from working with her as a Ward 8 co-representative on the Executive Board of the United Planning Organization (UPO).  Dr. Davis (I love saying that) is also a founding member and the Vice President of the Historic Anacostia Block Association (HABA) and works hard every single day for the success of her neighborhood, her community and her Ward, and she does it with such class and committment - and she plays the drums! Courtney is definetly one of the bright shining stars of Ward 8 I am always talking about.

I am so very proud to present this month's "I am Ward 8" honoree, Dr. Courtney Davis:

1. Name/Age/Occupation
Courtney Davis
38 years old

2. Your neighborhood?
Historic Anacostia

3. How long have you lived in Ward 8?
I have lived in the community for six years.

4. What brought you to Ward 8?
After living in Virginia for a few years, I began my journey to find an affordable place to live in Washington, D.C. Very quickly I realized that the search was going to require more time than expected! However, when the realtor drove me to Anacostia, I knew it was a special place. Slightly tucked away I saw a community full of interesting people, character, and history. Availability of single-family homes, affordable prices and access to downtown attracted my attention as well. The first time I drove down my street, I could clearly visualize living in the neighborhood and also taking an active role in the community.

5. What do you think is the biggest misconception about Ward 8?
The biggest misconception is the notion that Ward 8 lacks diversity and residents are unable to care for ourselves and collaborate with others toward a common goal. When in fact, this community encompasses an extremely wide range of residents with diverse economic, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Our community is represented by entrepreneurs, teachers, artists, stay-at-home moms, unemployed, food servers, and District government workers, just to name a few. It is my experience that we are capable of reaching out and making a connection with each other so that it is understood that trust, compassion, and a need to keep each other safe are components of "neighborly duties" in my community. These duties are evident when my neighbors shoveled my entire sidewalk during both snowstorms and when I received e-mail alerts from a collaborative effort of Ward 8 residents and local police officers sharing information to reduce crime.

6. What is your favorite thing about Ward 8?
The history. I have a growing appreciation for living among historical landmarks including the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site or the Big Chair. However, the history is not limited by landmarks. Residents have access to "living history" through conversations with elders in the community, or learning information during church services. Currently, I am a member of a team of residents working to create a heritage trail. We are interviewing neighbors, collecting artifacts, and recording stories that illustrate the rich culture of Anacostia. We are maintaining a connection with our ancestors!

7. Your wish for Ward 8?
My wish for Ward 8 includes an increased investment in some of our youngest residents. For our community to flourish, we will need to brainstorm creative ideas to get our children and youth engaged in their education and social justice issues in our neighborhood. It will be critical to offer some options to increase academic skills and promote positive behaviors that will ensure that our youngest stakeholders are prepared and successful in the future.

8. Which do you prefer? East of the River, East Washington or River East?
My first preference is for East of the River. However, River East comes in as a close second.

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