Councilmember Barry's Statement In Support of the Peaceoholic's "Independent Living Facility" for Youth Offenders at 1300 Congress St SE

Council of the District of Columbia
________ 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 102 ___________
Washington, DC 20004

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, April 22, 2010
Contact: Joyce Clements-Smith (202) 724-8045


Throughout my public service career, as both the Mayor and now a Councilmember, I have sustained a philosophy that supports de-institutionalization, as evidenced by my public positions involving both Forest Haven and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Therefore, I am not a new advocate for the establishment of small, group homes, especially those involving youth.

With regard to the Peaceaholics’ youth living facility involving P and Congress Streets, S.E., the Organization, as a matter of right, can occupy a facility at this location for these purposes, as long as it complies with all relevant building codes and regulations, etc. I am, however, very sensitive to what I will term “clustering” that is, the location of significant and incomparable numbers of these small homes within the same Ward.

With regard to this cite, I think it should be noted that while a small group of Ward 8 residents object to this location, they do not represent a great majority of the residents of Ward 8. I will, as always, continue to listen to those who oppose my oppositions, but on this matter my position is, firm.

Joyce Clements-Smith
Chief of Staff/Chief Communications Officer
D.C. Councilmember Marion Barry
(202) 724.8045 - office; (202) 724.8055 - fax

It goes without saying that I am not shocked by Barry's response - or lack of action. I will leave it to readers and the residents of Ward 8 and this neighborhood to judge his assessment of the situation.

However, there are a few things I would like to say about this statement.

Sandra Seegars, Chairperson of ANC 8E (where this group home will be located) so accurately pointed out the following:

This is a prime example of our leadership for Ward 8. This statement is regarding "P and Congress streets SE". WHERE IS THAT? CM Barry does not have the respect to get the location correct. No place in DC does P St. intersect with Congress St. I am appalled that an elected official who has been in Ward 8 as many years as he has does not know the ward.

A 3 story apartment building is not a “small, group home.”

And, it is always idiotic to say, “I think it should be noted that while a small group of Ward 8 residents object to this location, they do not represent a great majority of the residents of Ward 8.”

A neighborhood is just that, a small group of people. That’s why we have 4 neighborhood clusters, 5 Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, 35 Single Member Districts, 2 zip codes, at least 5 civic associations, 7 Police Service Areas (PSA), and 8 Census Tracts, thereupon, separates residents to make neighborhoods.

I suppose I could understand how Councilmember Barry would be wrong about the location of this independent living facility group home and he would (incorrectly) assume that a "small group of Ward 8 residents object to this location" (who by the way live and own homes on that block) considering that he hasn't had a meeting with the residents who would deal with the fallout of this group home. A meeting was scheduled between Barry and the ANC and concerned citizens (Barry's constituents) but it was CANCELLED 5 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WAS SUPPOSED TO TAKE PLACE.

BTW Barry did not attend the April 20th ANC Meeting so Barry despite his promise to, "continue to listen to those who oppose my oppositions" he hasn't listened or met with any of the residents that have legitimate concerns about having 4 (or 5 depending on who you ask) of these types of facilities so close to each other.
".... - CM Barry's position is firm. He believes in putting groups homes all over the city and the Ward for the good of our special DC residents who need special attention. Since this same matter will be addressed at the April 20th ANC meeting, I am cancelling our meeting that was scheduled for tonight at 6:30 pm. It was our hope to provide you with an audience to share your concerns. But there is no sense in having 2 meetings to address the same issue. Thank you.

And there is this from the statement.

“I am, however, very sensitive to what I will term “clustering” that is, the location of significant and incomparable numbers of these small homes within the same Ward.” that Barry has established that he is against "clustering" of group homes in the Ward he seems to be okay with the "clustering" of four such types of group homes/shelters on the same residential block? I am not sure how much sense that makes.

So who owned 1300 Congress Place SE before The Peaceoholics purchased the building (with DC funds) for over $400,000?

Roy Littlejohn.

Who is Roy Littlejohn?

From the August 18th 1987 Washington Post article, D.C. Contractor Denies Acknowledging Gift; Littlejohn Says He Has Not Testified on Money for Karen Johnson

"D.C. contractor Roy Littlejohn said in a statement issued by his attorney yesterday that he has not acknowledged giving money to convicted cocaine dealer Karen K. Johnson.

Sources have told The Washington Post that Littlejohn has acknowledged giving funds to Johnson through D.C. businessman John B. Clyburn. Littlejohn and Clyburn, the sources have said, say that their actions had nothing to do with Johnson's refusal to testify before a federal grand jury three years ago. That grand jury was investigating allegations of drug use by Mayor Marion Barry and others."

From the October 24, 1991 Washington Post article, DC Probes Contractor's Pacts, Taxes; Debt Deal Defended By Finance Officials
The District government has begun reviewing the contracts and tax history of Roy Littlejohn, who currently has about $12 million in city business and has long been one of its largest providers of social-service care.

Responding to reports that Littlejohn, a close associate of former mayor Marion Barry, has been allowed to mount tax debts with the District while holding city contracts, officials in Mayor Sharon Pratt Dixon's administration said yesterday that they will increase scrutiny of their dealings with him. The Dixon administration last month approved an $800,000 contract …

It makes you wonder, what is so special about THIS particular building? Why can't the Peaceoholics open such a facility on a residential block not already crowded with so many?
According to Barry's statement in support of the Peaceoholics "independent living facility" for youth offenders 16 - 21 years of age: "as a matter of right, can occupy a facility at this location for these purposes, as long as it complies with all relevant building codes and regulations, etc."

However, there is an issue with a regulation, specifically the zoning requirements regarding the number of these types of facilities can be within a certain space.

According to an email from a concerned resident in the neighborhood:

There are an inordinate amount of agencies within 500 feet of our building. There are already two community residence facilities, the House of Ruth, located at 3324 13th Street SE and another program across the street at 3323-3325 13th Street SE.

There also appears to be a zoning issue. According to Title 11 of the DC Municipal Regulation Chap. 3 Section 350.4 (i), there is only one "Youth residential care home, community residence facility, or health care facility" permitted within 500 feet of each other. That would put three programs a stones throw, “is this agency row?”

Youth residential care home, community residence facility, or health care facility for seven (7) to fifteen (15) persons, not including resident supervisors or staff and their families; provided, that there is no property containing an existing community-based residential facility for seven (7) or more persons either in the same square or within a radius of five hundred feet (500 ft.) from any portion of the subject property..

There is already a domestic violence community residence program next door to us and this would be next door to them clearly within the 500 ft. limitation. When we asked Mr. Moten about this they said they never bothered to research what other programs are in the neighborhood and if we want them out “come up with money. “

Inquiring minds - and voters - want to know.

Editor's Note: Despite my best efforts blogger kept swapping two paragraphs in the original report so I have to keep goin in and fixing it.  You may notice it has been changed again.