BREAKING NEWS: Turner Elementary @ Green in Congress Heights goes up in flames!

The Advoc8te was leaving Giant when she saw dense clouds of black smoke rising above the Giant Foods on Alabama Avenue in Congress Heights. When I went to investigate I was shocked to see Turner Elementary School (1500 Mississippi Avenue SE) on fire. The fire appeared to start on the playground and quickly spread to engulf the front of the school. The fire blazed uncheck for at least 5 minutes before fire-fighters arrived on the scene. From my view on the hill it looks like the front playground is totally destroyed and fire damage was observed on the front of the school from the bottom to the top windows and  floors. Firefighters were observed on the roof checking for damage.

I am including some pictures I was able to take with my phone with more to follow.

UPDATE: I originally reported this was the Turner School on 1500 Mississippi Avenue SE but it may actaully be the Mildred Green School according to Google Maps. It was the school on the corner of 15th Street and Mississippi Avenue in Congress Heights. Will update the blog when I can confirm the actaul school name.

UPDATE UPDATE:  From Shanelle Simms the Mayor's Liaison for Communty Relations and Services - Ward 8.

There was a fire at Turner@Green ES, 1500 Mississippi Ave SE.  Parents will be notified as soon as posible.Thanks!
Media outlets are please asked to give photo credit to Congress Heights on the Rise.

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