WASHPO: Ballou boys and H.D. Woodson girls capture DCIAA basketball championships

By Alan Goldenbach

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 7, 2010; D05

As Ballou received its commemorative D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association championship
T-shirts, Knights assistant coach Zalmico Harmon Sr., grabbed an extra one Saturday night and started waving it at his players as if to cool them off.

He would have needed plenty of help.

The second-ranked Knights were unstoppable from behind the arc early on, hitting their first three three-pointers in the first four minutes. That flowed seamlessly into an unrelenting transition game and the points appeared effortless at times as Ballou claimed its second consecutive DCIAA title with a 103-89 victory over Eastern at Coolidge.

The Knights, coming off the school's first title last year, entered this season not only hoping to return to the March 14 City Title Game but expecting to do so.

"Last year was the first, so it was big," said senior guard Donte Thomas, who had a team-high 32 points. "We've got more to do this year."

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