SOUND OFF: How was the State of the Ward 8 Union Address and What Do You Think Of Barry Being Censured?

The Advoc8te had a meeting tonight so she wasn't able to make the State of the Ward 8 address which is probably a good thing because I would have probably lunched out, jumped  up on the dais and strangled everyone with my bare hands. Right around the time I was getting an avalanche of text messages that they were annointing Barry with oil I seriously (and for the first time)  began to reconsider my choice to live in Ward 8 - there has got to be a limit to the foolishness. Without even being at tonight's event as a person of colour, as a Ward 8 resident, as a member of the River East community, as a reasonably intelligent person,  I am both ashamed and embarrassed by this public spectacle. If Ward 8 don't look like a bunch of &#^$*@^ fools right now I don't know who does. I am so very concerned about how clueless and misguided a large part of our Ward 8 community is when it comes to Marion "Emperor Poverty Pimp" Barry.

On one hand I am at least relieved that by censuring Barry at least part of his criminal enterprise has been neutralized because when you get down to brass tacks the #$%^@$%&!  hasn't done anything for the community in a really long time - like before color TV really long time.

I am so very afraid for some of our people. If something doesn't change - and quick - they don't have a chance. They are really this unprepared and in the dark and  as things change (and they are changing) where are they going to end up? Right out on the street, totally unprepared because Barry saw fit to keep them in the dark, lost and distracted by his schemes. How does this happen? When did it become okay to be so dependent on someone? So very blind to their faults and crimes??!!! It can not be this scary to stand on your own two feet and elect someone else without all these damn problems.  Barry is clearly telling them that they are not smart enough or qualified enough to do better than him!!! A sane person would seee that!

I can't say much more or I may go in search of a bottle of tequila and a baseball bat.  So The Advoc8te is asking folks to share their experience tonight at the Ward 8/"Let's all baby poor persecuted Marion Barry" event and/or their feeling on the DC Council finally stepping up and at least censuring Barry and referring the case to the authorities.

P.S. I am upset so ignore the typos and spelling erros - we have bigger problems on our hands.Like trying to convince 90% of the Ward that Barry does not walk on water.

P.S.S. Perhaps we should hold our own seperate Anti-Poverty Pimp ralley!
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