I AM WARD 8! LaShaun Smith of Congress Heights

All of my “I am Ward 8” profiles have been very special to me but this next “I am Ward 8” profile is probably one of my most anticipated yet. Many of you are already familiar with Southeast Socialite, a very popular, very r-e-a-l River East blog. Readers have come to love the sharp insights, sharp wit and yes sharp tongue of the “DC Debutante”. She may look sweet but heaven help you if you find yourself on the wrong end of her white satin gloves,  she will call you out with quickness!

If every blogger has a catch phrase then DC Debutante's would definitely be, “That’s right I said it!” This lady believes in speaking plainly and directly on the issues plaguing our community – something that is all too rare but much needed in the Ward 8 community. Her post are sometimes controversial, but always come from the heart and the deep seeded desire to see the River East community become the best community it can be – without all the “tomfoolery” (okay that was my catch-word).

It is only fitting that March’s “I am Ward 8” profile is of LaShaun Smith, a young woman who is not afraid to "march" to the beat of her own drum.

LaShaun Smith
Project Analyst
Straight Shooter

1.) Name/age/occupation.
LaShaun Smith, 27 years old, Project Analyst

2.) Your Neighborhood?
The ever advancing Congress Heights!

3.) How long have you lived in Ward 8?
About 3 years.

4.) What brought you to Ward 8?
Actually, I was born in Ward 8 and lived here for the first few years of my life until my parents decided to purchase a home in nearby Prince Georges County. In 2007, after college, I decided to move back to the District. I knew that Ward 8 would soon experience the same transformation as other troubled neighborhoods in the city. I wanted to be apart of the change. I also wanted to purchase an affordable property.

5.) What do you think is the biggest misconception about Ward 8?
Ward 8 is viewed as the run down backyard of the city. Everyone thinks that the neighborhood is inundated with crime and public housing. Actually, most of the neighborhood consists of hard working, family oriented, intelligent people that would like to see Ward 8 prosper.

6.) What is your favorite thing about Ward 8?
My favorite thing about ward 8 would have to be the people. I have formed friendships that I will always cherish, right here in Congress Heights. I have NEVER in all my years met so many genuinely nice, intelligent, hard working, loving people. For a period in my life I never thought these type of people even existed. If I need anything from a ride to or from the metro to help digging my car out of the snow these people will be right there to help me. We are truly a close knit family.

7.) Your Wish for Ward 8?
If I could make a wish and see it happen this year it would be that my neighbors STOP VOTING FOR THE EMBARSSMENT that is Marion Barry! I understand that he has crowned himself “DC’s Mayor for Life” but he has done nothing for ward 8. I wish my people would realize we deserve better leadership. And I wish Barry would realize his day as a brilliant political figure is over. Part of being a great leader is never living in past success and knowing when to step down, making way for new ideas. The fact that so many continue to Vote for Barry reflects poorly on the Ward as well as the entire city. People from all over the country laugh as we allow someone with a criminal record, known drug abuse and owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes to remain on our city council. And lastly, Barry sets a bad example for our youth. How can you tell your child to study hard, stay away from drugs and pay his/her debts? Barry earns a six figure salary without adhering to those rules so why should they? Barry, do the right thing and step down! City Council, do the right thing and ban those with criminal records from serving on the Council. Residents wise up and understand you deserve the best leadership possible. There is a better way of living!

8.) Which do you prefer? East of the River, East Washington or River East?
I love the name River East. East of the River sounds like a shady place you dare not go to after 6pm.

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