CHOTR QUESTION OF THE DAY: Have welfare programs done more to hurt or help the black community?

The Advoc8te has not posed a question of the week in a while so I wanted this one to be very thought provoking. Full disclosure: I did not think this one up myself. I heard someone I really respect in the community pose the question and I thought it was a great one and I wanted to get my readers take on this.

First things first, It is a given that Black people are not the only ones receiving welfare benefits. In fact, I think I read somewhere that the Black community in comparison to the entire US population isn't even the largest racial group receiving public assistance. Don't even get me started on "corporate welfare" but I think this is a good question to ask as it relates to our lives East of the River. I frame this QOTD in this context because a significant portion of our community is receiving some form of public assistance, whether it is in the form of food stamps, the Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly known as Section-8) or Medicaid. There is also the serious issue of generational poverty  so I think the question is a valid one and is crucial in addressing the real problems associated with generational poverty.
That being said, today's "Question of the Day" is:


The Advoc8te asks that if you can,  please include some solutions (or suggestions) on either side of the dialogue.

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