While you are busy doing nothing on this snow day.

Most of you probably aren't even awake yet - slackers!  But for when you crawl out of your nice warm cozy beds around noon and undoubtably go to your laptops to get your daily boost of CHOTR you can have something to do.

I am totally ripping this off from Greater Greater Washington but it was cool and I would like to use it here.  They were asking their readers about what brought them to DC and where they live and yadda yadda yadda. I would like to do the same - with some minor revisions. I am interested to see exactly where folks who read the blog live and are coming from.  Anhyoo.  If you are so inclined please answer the following questions and post them as a comment on this post.

1) Where did you live before moving to DC? (if you are a native Washingtonian claim it - same if you don't live in DC)
2) What neighborhood do you live  in now?
3) How long have you lived in your current neighborhood?
4) What brought you there?
5) What do you love and hate about your neighborhood?

Also I am collecting River East snow pictures so you have some please email them in for posting on the blog.  Please include the neighborhood they were taken of and your name if you want photo credit.  Thanks!

To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email congressheightsontherise@gmail.com.

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